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Payment methods

Payment methods accepted for your order.

We have 100% safe, easy and fast methods to use:

1.Debit/credit card payments through AZUL's Veriphone Online.
2.By bank transfer or deposit

3.Cash payments on delivery in La Vega or in our warehouse in La Vega

Transfer or deposit:

By bank transfer or deposit to the bank of your choice: Banco Popular, BHD or BanReservas.

Our Bank Accounts:

1. Banco Popular: 818117939 Corriente, (SVGN COMPANY SRL)
2. BHD Bank: 2901264-001-1 Savings, (SVGN COMPANY SRL)
3. BanReservas: 9605267508 Savings, (SVGN COMPANY SRL)

The account number will appear automatically when you choose this option in the payment window, send proof of payment to WhatsApp 829-252-2275.

Debit/Credit Cards :

Through Veriphone Online from the company AZUL (Banco Popular Dominicano S,A. Digital Services), 100% reliable and secure.

When you reach the time of payment, select the CARD method and a window on the AZUL platform will automatically open for you to upload your card details to Veriphone Online. Once completed, review the information and click accept, the process is fast and automatic.
Upon completing the transaction, a payment receipt will appear, which you must download or capture in a photo to be sent to WhatsApp 849-359-2275.

After confirming your payment, SOVEREIGN proceeds to issue your invoice and dispatch your order.